Thursday, August 12, 2010

blog messages

The following includes a two sided conversation message appealing to the observers central route processing. Then a series of animations designed to appeal to peripheral route processing to promote exercise. Then a fear inducing message in order to really make people intimidated by the idea of not adopting the recommended behavior.

Two sided argument for exercise

"You should exercise more"
"Yea but I get so tired and bored"
"Well even though you get tired or bored it will improve your physical health and help you live longer in the future, plus there are always new and fun ways to exercise being invented every day"

Simple message with distractors.

For this message I have left a link to a website with many animations. This is to achieve the objective of peripheral route processing in order to get the message across to keep exercising

Fear inducing message

The easiest thing in the world to do is nothing. Just sitting on the couch wasting daylight is something we're all capable of. And as you sit there watching spongebob, eating your cheetos, your hearts arteries are getting more and more clogged with the garbage you put in your system. And these clogged arteries will more than likely stop your heart one day. How do you avoid this? By getting up off your rump and going for a walk or a swim or a game of kick ball, anything!!! Just keep daily exercise a part of your life in order to avoid a tragic fate.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Here is a link to my exercise survey. If you have the time, please answer these short questions.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


The following posts are a series of messages using different methods in order to spark the interest of readers to take up exercise in their daily lives. The posts cover in this order from top to bottom.

-Two examples of credible sources trying to communicate the importance of exercise.
-A message on subliminal persuasion techniques used in order to make people think of exercise often
-A self made message using the classical conditioning technique of repetition.
-A series of images depicting exercise as fun or attractive by using appealing images or celebrities partaking in physical activity
-Informational background on the relationship between exercise and technology

Helpful Advice from a Reliable Source

The Surgeon General released the following report which is an extensive study of bone health in the human body. The featured chapter includes many studies of how physical activities aid in maintaining stronger bones. There are also sections discussing the importance of children exercising before they reach puberty.